Tumor budding course November 30th, 2019 CH-Berne
Dear colleagues, dear all
Based on the UICC TNM and the WHO classification 2019 tumor budding is an additional prognostic factor in colorectal cancer.
It is very likely that this promising morphologic feature needs to be reported by pathologists all over the world.
Therefore I'm very pleased to announce the first tumor budding course in Berne, Switzerland on November 30th, 2019.
The main goal of this meeting is a systematic tumor budding teaching based on 8 practical cases which should support the participants to decrease the interobserver variability.
Although, the budding course is free of charge there is only a room capacity for 70 people. To attend the tumor budding course a registration is mandatory. All registered participants will get access to the virtual slides and a detailed agenda.
This course will be rewarded by 6 CME points (4 points for attendance and 2 points for submiting the budding results).
I'm looking forward to see you in Berne!
Kind regards
Alessandro Lugli, MD
Please contact me.
Link for the Insel Access Map. The Institute of Pathology is number 31
Adress is : Murtenstr 31, 3008 Bern
Arrival by Train Central station Bern:
Bus number 11 (Inselspital-Holligen) . Bus stop at Perron F.
Bus stop Inselplatz to reach our Institute.
Limited parkingspace at the Inselparking